Well, the PST was finally returned from the Meade factory in Germany. In fact it was completely replaced in order to fix the oxidation issue on the objective. Just had to try it out to see if the new objective was OK.

Got lucky. There was a truly massive prominence on the Sun’s western limb. Just enough time to capture it too. Great working from home!!! Visually it was quite dim (well the PST does only have 40mm of aperture!) but the B&W Toucam captured it nicely.

I prefer the sillhouette version but have also attached one with some surface detail.
PST + B&W Toucam + 2.5x Powermate. The 5x Powermate was pushing the 40mm aperture way to far

1500 frames for prominence and 2000 for the surface.

Here we go!!!

sun1 march hydrogen alpha

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