Galactic beauts. A trip back in time. Well, it’s just another shotof M81 and M82. With a bit of a difference this time because I finally got enough data to bring out parts of the M81s..
Downsizing I just sold my beloved 203mm SCT so that I can get a tiny scope to piggyback on the 90mm. Had to do it, the system is too heavy with the SCT to..
Touch the Moon Although we see it all the time the Moon is quite fascinating. Take a look at these closeups. You could almost touch those craters! First up is..
Lunar/Saturn Conjunction Feb 2nd 2007 Lunar Conjunction with Saturn What a sight! It’s 22:35 on Friday night and Saturn has moved to within 10 arc minutes of the Moon. Visually Saturn..
PST I’ve always had a passion for solar viewing and previously observed in the white light domain. Given an opportunity to purchase a PST Hydrogen..