A View of the Summer Milky Way Taken in early September with a modded 450D. There was a short clear spell this night so I rushed out with mount and camera, used a 17-55 f2.8 @..
Big Solar Prom Large solar prom from the 23rd March 2011. My first time taking the wee 40mm PST out in ages so seeing proms this large was a nice surprise. For my..
IC 434 – The Horshead Nebula I was surprised to get this shot. I’ve tried to obtain it a few times using a Sac10 but never had any luck. The QHY 6 is WAY more sensitive though..
M42 and NGC 19777 – Orion and the Running Man Finally! This is a composition I tried to capture on a few occasions with my Sac10 CCD imager. Never had much luck because the SAC was not very..
M81 M82 Finally capture this galactic couple! M82 has always been one of my favourite galaxies. Living in light polluted Salthill, it is also just about..
M13 The Great Hercules Cluster Been too busy to make an use of our unusually clear nights recently but the forecast is not good for the coming week so I took the opportunity to..
The Leo Triplet Got lucky with the weather last night. Despite a cloudy forecast it was very clear in between some hazy patches so I imagedĀ M65, M66 & NGC 3628,..
Proms Proms Proms! It’s a pity we’re at solar minimum at the moment. The solar disc has be quieter than I have ever seen – not a thing happening there. We have been..
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy Haven’t been doing much deepsky recently but I took a shot at it last night as M51 is so well placed at the moment. I love this object. Shows up..
Galactic beauts. A trip back in time. Well, it’s just another shotof M81 and M82. With a bit of a difference this time because I finally got enough data to bring out parts of the M81s..